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A selection of poems from Serhii Zhadan's “The Life of the Virgin Mary” (2015). Translated by Na
Psycho Too bad, says he, They’ll level the city. Like Sodom and Gomorrah. His brother is in asylum. A few days ago the facility had...

Ivan Ivanovych by Mykola Khvylovy. A Case for Sherlock Holmes
Drawing by Andrii Klen 'That still won’t make me change my mind – Why do you want me to think in clichés?’ (Ivan Ivanovych) Published in...

Solidarity without unity as a force for political change: Lack of common identity in the Kiev and Sk
Determining Europe along fault-lines / Being and nothingness The approach to the Other is crucial in determining both the politics and...

The Use and Misuse of Post(-)colonialism in Mirroring the Former Soviet Union and its ‘old periphery
After 1991 Russia’s various efforts to regain and preserve its influence over the former Soviet space have increasingly restored the idea...

Ivan Ivanovych di Mykola Chvyl'ovyj: una storia per Sherlock Holmes
Ivan Ivanovyč è un racconto satirico di Mykola Chvyl’ovyj pubblicato nel 1929. Scritto in terza persona da un narratore partecipe che...

Se il Nobel si stupisce dell'ibrido post-sovietico
Le etichette si sprecano nel tentativo di definire le diverse affiliazioni culturali, storiche e politiche della scrittrice Svjatlana...
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